How Organic Eggs Enhance the Flavor of Your Meals

We all know that everything organic is better for you. It is healthier, and what is also very important is that the food just tastes better. You may have heard before how your parents or grandparents said something along the lines of remembering the vegetables that they ate from their own garden, how they tasted better, and how they knew what they were eating. Well, this proves to be true, as everything organic can definitely change the whole eating experience.


Better-fed chickens lay them

The food the chicken eats is very important for the constitution and flavour of the eggs. Do you know how an organic egg tastes? This question would have been ridiculous fifty years ago, but now it is a reality that many, if not most people, may have never eaten an organic egg. If you did a blind taste test, you would immediately spot the difference. You can sense that the farm made eggs are much stronger, and the non-organic taste more like plastic than the real thing. One great contributing factor to that strong taste is what the bird eats. First of all, they are fed with organic grains, which means that the food is produced without any additives, pesticides, and other poisons of today’s society. They are also fed with different types of insects, which are important for the protein of the chicken. Also, they let them eat outside and they are not caged in like other chickens across the globe.


They were not tortured

We can see nowadays that in the world there is a great outrage against big farms that are producing eggs and chickens for consumption in almost the whole country. There, the chicken does not see the light of day. Their whole day is spent eating what artificial food the people give them; they lay eggs, and once they get too old for that, they are killed. You just need to imagine the suffering their lives are, imprisoned in one square meter boxes until their demise. When you imagine them, does it taste good when you eat chickens and the eggs that come out of them? Of course not. At least when you are eating the eggs of the organically farmed chickens, you won’t have to feel guilty about what they have done to that animal, so you can enjoy your meal.


The colour

When you eat non-organic food, you have to know that you will be getting products that are most likely not the right colour, and there are many reasons why that is true. When you raise animals in captivity and feed them the worst things imaginable for them, of course, the colour and shape of their meat won’t be the same. Organic egg yolk, for example, is usually much darker in colour. This is most likely because of the diet that the animal is consuming because it feeds on more organic material like beta-carotene.


No artificial taste

When you buy organic products, you know that you won’t be eating food that is worse for you or, for most people, worse tasting. We all know that before they started using massive pesticides and other chemicals, every fruit tasted sweeter, and there was no ‘plastic produce.’ It is well known how these chemicals affect the taste of products so the same is to be said for eggs. Even though organic eggs are more expensive, they will still give you more food, a better taste, and food that is healthier. 


They are fresh

One thing that you can almost guarantee when buying organic eggs is that they are fresher if you are buying them locally or straight from the producer. For the non-organic eggs, you do not know when they were produced or how long they were sitting on the shelf; you just get an expiration date. Everybody knows how fresh food tastes better, and since organic eggs are usually fresher, you should not taint your food with eggs that are not as good.

You support people who need it more

We all know how small farmers have a rough time competing with the big boys. So that they do not go under, it would be great if we could support them in any way. Usually, these farmers produce organic eggs because they use them in the house for themselves, and they do not want to eat ones that are not organic due to many reasons already stated before. By buying the products that they are selling, you will not only help them financially, but you could also make your food taste better. Many people have felt better when eating something that they bought from people who needed their help. You only need to think about how somebody who needed money has earned something with their own hands and the food will have a much better taste than it could ever have.


They can give you inspiration

Like any good cook, you do not want to waste good products on subpar cooking attempts, but you will try your best to get the most out of the products you have available. When you know that you have paid extra for your eggs and that they are top-of-the-line products, then you are going to treat them with tenderness and care. You will find a recipe that is worthy of these eggs, and try your best to make the best meal possible. You will use the best technique, being careful not to waste them if you can. Also, you may do your research and see the different methods you can use to get all the flavour out of these eggs, which will all add to the flavour of the overall dish.


Eggs are important parts of many recipes, and one way to get the best taste possible is to invest in organic ones, which will enhance the flavour greatly. There are many reasons why organic eggs are better for you, and it is clear that they bring much more life and joy to the food you eat.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!