Category: New Music Friday

Morgan Kibby IS Sue Clayton

Friend of the ADDICTED Music Dept. and undeniable most talented person in the world, Morgan Kibby has not just created a new album, but a new musical identity altogether in Miss Sue Clayton. Listing Morgan’s accomplishments outside of her excellent…

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY – Anti-Anti-Vax Edition

OH, SO YOU LIKE CLICKBAIT? I apologize, I realize now that I may have confused ‘not able to get any vaccine’ with ‘a meme some trollbot made told me vaccines are bad and I believe it’ Quite the opposite, we…

New Music Friday-ADDICTED Magazine - Aron Harris

New Music Friday – Change Is In The Air Edition

Happy Friday, Quaranteens and other Locked Down Generations. Here in Toronto, we’ve had amazing weather that just injects some hope. But not a vaccine. In Canada, that’s as rare as hen’s teeth or frog feathers. That sentence was for the…

New Music Friday – Polar Vortex Edition

Well, winter arrived in the sleepy burg of Toronto this week, plunging temperatures down to the minus double digits. This means the brief walks that have helped retain my sanity over the last ten plus months include lots of skin…

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY – Black Friday Edition

Happy(?) Black Friday! It’s the start of a busy retail weekend. I guess if you’re buying gifts for those you love and yourself, why not get a deal? Well, please make sure you spend a little extra internet sweat trying…

New Music Friday – Halloween 2020 Edition

What could possibly be scarier than Halloween of this dumpster full of medical waste on fire year a few days before America decides whether or not to continue aiming the steering wheel towards the edge of the existential cliff like…

New Music Friday – The Last Warm Day of 2020 Edition

Nice and warm here in Toronto. Hope the same for you, wherever you’re reading this. Unless you’re reading from Antarctica. Then stay frosty. This week is a mish-mash, which is always my goal with NMF posts. There are major label…