Morgan Kibby IS Sue Clayton

Friend of the ADDICTED Music Dept. and undeniable most talented person in the world, Morgan Kibby has not just created a new album, but a new musical identity altogether in Miss Sue Clayton. Listing Morgan’s accomplishments outside of her excellent White Sea music will take too long but we’ll high line it by namedropping Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, The Weeknd, Lorde, M83, Panic! At the Disco among artists she’s worked with. As well, you’ve likely heard her compositions scored for film and TV. You can hear a lot more about Morgan’s story in her own words from the Music Dept. podcast episode we did with her.

As Sue Clayton, she’s releasing a ‘debut’ album, Rookie, on May 5th, 2023. Prior to this soon-to-be-celebrated date, we’ve been given two tracks of the album, Runaway Bride and Extraordinary Life. Make your day and set your weekend off right with a listen below.

Aron Harris
Aron Harris is ADDICTED Magazine's music editor as well as a contributor. As a graphic designer, writer and photographer, you can find his work all over ADDICTED. He also geeks out over watches, pizza, bass guitars and the Grateful Dead.
Aron Harris

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