Category: Lifestyle

The Our Place Summer Sale is Here

When it comes to the best in kitchen stuff, over here at ADDICTED, we have become huge fans of Our Place, and it’s no surprise as to why.   Since we love spending time in the kitchen, have a deep…


Signs of a Great Business Leader

From heads of state to trustworthy individuals guiding smaller local communities, leaders can come in all shapes and sizes. But when it comes to leadership in business, the qualities and attributes needed for reaching success in this sphere may appear…

work safety

Work Safety Tips For Small Business Owners

Just because you have a small business and not a 100+ employee company, it doesn’t mean you can skip all safety elements in the workplace. It’s just as easy to get injured at a small business as it is at…


Tips for Better Workforce Recruitment

If you want to be a great business leader with a growing business, it’s completely necessary to go through talent seeking and hiring. The process of recruitment seems pretty straightforward but it’s not always simple. It’s easy to attract the…

How to Make Your Clients Trust You More

Trust is essential in any business relationship, and it’s crucial for clients and their service providers. The relationship between a client and their service provider is a delicate one. If either side doesn’t trust the other, the entire business can…

How to keep your focus when working or studying at home

What can be better than study or working in the comfort of your home! It may sound like a pure joy unless you are someone who goes through the experience of having to deal with distractions that keep derailing an…


The Future of Waste Management

Knowing just how much we need to work if we want to help our planet survive to see another generation, every single person in the world is doing whatever they can to make things better. This isn’t easy, though, which…