Category: Lifestyle

How Painting Properly Can Immediately Change Any Space

Here’s the thing, most great things in life don’t just happen, they take planning and hard work, and the same goes with painting. You can wing it and hope for the best, or take the time, plan it out, and…

How to Turn a Barn into a Guesthouse

The old barn with a solid foundation in your backyard doesn’t get as much use as it once did. Now, it just occupies space. So, why not convert it into a beautiful and functional guesthouse? This budding trend will allow…

How To Improve Your Relationship In Marriage

A marriage is a commitment to love, cherish and honour your other half in sickness and in health. It’s an exciting time in any couple’s lives and a celebration of their relationship. However, over time it’s easy to become complacent…

How To Eat Healthy When You Have A Tight Working Schedule

It can be tough to eat healthily when you have a tight working schedule. Juggling work, family, and social obligations can leave little time for meal preparation. However, it is important to find ways to make healthy eating possible, even…

Being Sustainable as a Young Entrepreneur

As a young entrepreneur, you should be brash, bold, and creative. You won’t make any waves doing the same thing that people have always done, and you need to prove that your youthfulness is an asset rather than a drawback….

How Affiliate Marketing Can Boost Sales for your Business

Recent trends show that almost 80% of customers seek professional services online. It is no wonder affiliate marketing has taken off so well, with over five billion dollars spent in 2017 alone. Today, 16% of online orders are as a…

6 Modern Solution To Age-Old Mental Health Issues

We all know that mental health is important, but sometimes it’s hard to take the time and energy we need to make sure we are really in a good headspace. So, just a reminder to anyone reading this, whether young…

TESTED: Nature Clean

On our continued mission to make more environmentally friendly choices in our day to day, we’ve made sure to share all our fabulous finds with you, so you can spend less time looking and more time living. In that search,…

6 Office Remodelling Suggestions For Better Productivity

Multiple studies have shown that employees who work in cozy offices always have better productivity. A perfectly-designed office positively impacts employee morale and health, which reduces absenteeism and lack of commitment. Check out the six tips below on how to…

TESTED: Google Nest Doorbell and Security Cameras

Suppose you’re like me and just moved into an old place or you already live in one. In that case, the home isn’t set up with any security camera and, in my case, doesn’t even have a doorbell, so I…