Why Mapping Software will Benefit your Business

It’s no secret that every business owner will continually try to find new ways to increase profits. And while new tactics have been created and refined over the years, they all share the same goal of improving efficiency.  Here we…

Black Lives Matter: A Movement in Photos from Canada

Since the beginning of June, thousands-upon-thousands have gathered in Toronto and throughout the rest of Canada in solidarity for anti-racism protests, chiefly organized by the Black Lives Matter movement.  Even with the noise of helicopters, media outlets, and detractors, the…

Secrets Behind Modern Filmmaking

Successful filmmaking is achieved through collaboration, with the help and support of other filmmakers. The film industry has multiple avenues to explore, including production, directing, crew member, or possibly in editing. Though there are those who get into filmmaking simply…

Three Tips For Awesomely Consensual Sex + PODCAST!

This week’s installment of You Do You is devoted to the sexiness of consensual sexuality. Because consent is super sexy. *photo by Candice Waldeck Don’t believe us? Well, our guest Samantha Bitty is a legendary sexual health educator. Miss Bitty…

Artist Stacey Wells is ROCKING the world of entertainment

Social Media has been good to me over the years. I have met many extremely talented artists in music, writing, film, and television. From producers to actors, singers, directors, writers, musicians… and most of them are genuine, caring, amazing humans…

Top Reasons to Subscribe to a Food Box Service

Let’s face it, 2020 is nothing like we have imagined at the beginning of the year. Between the strong fires in Australia, a potential threat of World War III, and a pandemic, we’ve had more action in the first four…