Harmony Within: Embracing Holistic Approaches to Better Living

Putting your mind, body and soul into balance is central to a holistic approach to life. When people find a balance between these three elements, they take care of their entire being and self. So, finding balance when we live these modern lives, when there’s so much to do and accomplish but so little time, puts us under stress. If you want to adopt a new approach to life and start a  journey towards holistic living, we’ll tell you what to focus on and how.


All is well when you sleep well

Compare how you feel after a full night of peaceful sleep and a restless and sleepless night. After a bad night, you’re less energized and grumpy. But when you sleep well, your mood changes, and you are ready to take on any challenge. 

That’s why we say – all is well when you sleep well. Sleep is the foundation for well-being, so dive deep into tactics to improve your sleep and how to set up a sleep routine. There’s a connection between sleep, mental clarity, and emotional balance, so ensure you get quality sleep as often as possible.


The mind and body have to be in rhythm

What we think affects our body language, posture and even how we treat our body. Our beliefs and thought patterns affect our bodies, so we must be mindful of the connection between mind and body. So, pay attention to your thoughts, especially negative ones. Question them and notice how you feel afterwards. With a holistic approach to life, one is aware of how thoughts and emotions can affect the body, so they practice meditation, journaling, yoga or creative activities to be more in tune.


Be open to learning

We stop growing when we stop questioning our beliefs, knowledge, ideas, and thoughts. The key is always to be open to learning and growing as a person. There’s probably one thing you’ve always wanted to try: sewing, baking, or a pottery class. People who are open to learning will always add something new to their life. Your growth journey can start by reading a new book or maybe even finding people with a similar mindset, so you’ll be inspired to pursue new things and grow.


Emotional wellness

The connection between emotional and physical health is indisputable. Our emotions also shape other areas of our lives, from our health to our confidence, how we deal with stress, etc. Just like you’re taking care of your sleep, thoughts, and nutrition, you need to take care of your emotional well-being. From talking to empathic friends to signing up for mental health support at Free Your Body holistic centre, there’s always potential to transform and nurture your emotional well-being.


Nourish your body

How we fuel our bodies is how we take care of our bodies. The body is one of three categories in holistic living, so we need to be mindful of how we treat and nourish it. Nourishing your body with whole and nutritious foods is the first step towards a vibrant and energized life. Enrich your diet with healthier alternatives, add more vegetables and plan your meals in advance to stay in control of your diet.


Introduce movement into your lifestyle

We always feel better and lighter when we move our bodies with intention, whether to be strong so we hit the gym or just to stretch our bodies after a long day at the office. You feel better because your body has released all the good hormones like dopamine and serotonin. But you also feel lighter as physical activity greatly impacts your mind, body and soul. It’s important to make physical activity part of your lifestyle and discover the joy every movement brings. This will positively change your life and improve your holistic well-being.


Nurture healthy relationships

People we surround ourselves with can be the ones who support us and push us to strive, or they can be the exact opposite. It’s our responsibility to cultivate healthy relationships, those that fuel us and enrich our lives. Keep the people that are good for your mental health and set boundaries with those who are the opposite of that.


Lastly, remember to add the practice of daily gratitude to all of the above. Gratitude can be transformative, and it’s the key to cultivating a positive mindset, bringing joy and satisfaction to your life. Enrich your day with at least one of these holistic approaches, and you’ll take small steps toward a more balanced and fulfilling life.



Peter Minkoff
Peter is a lifestyle writer at HighStyleLife magazine, living between Europe and Australia. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
Peter Minkoff