Top Tips On Getting The Promotion You Deserve

When you’re in a career you love, you can often feel like you’re living the dream. You go to work every day to do something you enjoy. So much so that it never feels like work – a blessing instead. But, just because you’re having fun doing the work that you do, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t ambitious too. You can still want to grow, flourish and excel in your chosen career. Even when you’re content for the time being, there’s nothing wrong with getting the promotion you deserve.

If you’ve not had a promotion for a while, or ever at all, you might wonder how you can go about getting one. Aiming for a higher position at your company may seem scary, but if you’re good at what you do and you’re a valued employee, it might be easier than you think. With these tips, it will even feel like a breeze when you finally bag that big promotion.


Know what you’re working for

The first thing you’ll need to do on your journey towards getting a promotion is to know what you’re working for. Do you have a rough idea of where you’d like your career to go? Setting career goals can be so crucial for your progression. Not only to give you an idea of where you’re headed but also to motivate you to get there. So, start to work it out.


Be the best student

Next up, you’re going to want to soak up as much as you can. And that refers to anything and everything to do with your chosen career. The best way to ensure that you can progress in your career is to ensure that you’re always learning. Whether updating your academic journey as a full-time student or going to night school to refresh other skills, you prioritize your development and show that you’re ready to move up that ladder when you strive to improve.


Get creative and think outside of the box

Even if you’re not in a creative line of work, being creative can be an incredible way to stand out from the crowd. By thinking outside of the box, and coming up with innovative new ways to generate business, make sales, entertain clients, promote products, or whatever it is your job role is responsible for, you’re going to be making an impression. You’re showing that you’re willing to try new things and take your career to the next level.


Go the extra mile regularly 

Similarly, you can often stand out for a promotion when you’re willing to go above and beyond. If you’re an ambitious person and want to do your job as well as you can, you may find that this comes naturally. But, employees who dedicate themselves to their job and show that they can do more, be more, and give more can impress employers. Whether you do things differently or go that extra mile for a customer or project, you could be earning your promotion stripes.


Be firm with pay rises

Then there’s also that tiny matter of pay rises. Some companies will talk about these each year; some will only address them when you’re facing the promotion anyway. Either way, you can demonstrate your commitment to your job and the company when it comes to getting a pay rise. By pointing out why you deserve one, understanding gender pay reporting and not being afraid to ask for what you want, you could show yourself as determined, dedicated and invaluable.


Be humble

When you’re good at your job, you can often feel a cut above the rest; indispensable, if you will. But that isn’t always the best attitude to have. Bosses might not be impressed with the superiority you flaunt around the office. Instead, being humble, doing your job and showing your worth can be much more effective.


Know your worth

If you feel like you’ve worked your socks off for your company, and you still get overlooked for a promotion (even after trying out every other point listed here), it might be time to look elsewhere. If you’re going to progress in your career, you will need to consider all of your options. When there’s no room to rise, or you’re getting passed over, move on. Moving sideways or upwards should always be your goal.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!