Tag: sleep

Finding the Perfect Cooling Pillow

When it comes to achieving a good night’s sleep, comfort is paramount. For many, finding the right pillow can be the difference between tossing and turning all night and waking up refreshed and rejuvenated. As temperatures rise and the nights…

Trouble Sleeping? Here Are 6 Ways to Get Better Quality Sleep

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of health and well-being, yet many of us struggle to get enough of it. From stress and anxiety to poor sleep habits, numerous factors can disrupt our sleep patterns and leave us feeling groggy and…

How to Keep Your Mind Young and Fun in Your Forties

Those nearing 40 are often told tall tales about what life in the fourth decade is like. Many of these are exaggerated, and the truth is that life continues unabated for the most part. Day-to-day routines may stay the same….

Health Tips for Seniors: How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Sleep is a pillar of overall health, especially as people age. However, seniors often face challenges in achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep. Factors like changes in sleep patterns, health conditions, medications, and lifestyle can all impact sleep quality in older…

4 things you can do to promote a better nights sleep

If you are one of the millions who don’t sleep too well at night, you will be more than aware of the many issues it can cause. Not only does it create inevitable tiredness, but it can also increase your…

Creating a calm, peaceful bedroom

Around one-third of your life will be spent in your bedroom. Therefore, it is vital that you create a space in which you feel relaxed and content. This does not need to be a mammoth task, but it is certainly…

How Your Mattress Could Negatively Affect Your Health

A good night’s sleep is vital for your well-being. It’s conducive to maintaining happiness and good health. Many people understand good sleep’s role in their well-being and are willing to splurge on a mattress that will facilitate quality sleep. Over 90%…

Things You Didn’t Know About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that causes us to “forget to breathe” during sleep. Our partners are usually the ones who inform us if this disorder occurs. What is worrying is that every 20 people suffer from sleep apnea…

The Signs & Symptoms Of A Bad Mattress

Sleep is such an important function of our body, our health and well being really suffers if we don’t get enough. Many of us rarely pay attention to just how much we’re getting through, and if we’re not getting enough…

TESTED: The Apollo Mattress by GoodMorning.com

If someone would have asked me 15 years ago whether a great night of sleep ranked near the top of my list for my life’s must-haves, I would have laughed, stayed up late and had another mediocre night of sleep….