Tag: click and grow

This Years Most Innovative Products (2022)

This February marks a decade that we have been running ADDICTED and testing products. At this point, we have had hundreds of thousands of emails requesting reviews and have passed 1000 product reviews over these first ten years. Feature image…

Enter to win the Click & Grow Smart Garden 3

Love fresh herbs, veggies and flowers but don’t have a green thumb, are short on time, or don’t know where to begin with starting an indoor garden? Over the last few years, smart gardens have become very popular for many…

click & grow

The Easiest Way to Grow Herbs Indoors at Home

While some places in the world have warm enough weather to grow outdoors all year round, for people like myself, who live in Canada, that’s not the case. Here in Toronto, we have the spring and summer to grow outside,…

click & grow

Giveaway: Start the Perfect Indoor Garden with Click & Grow

Every since I was a child, I’ve loved gardens, gardening and just the outdoors in general. My parents had a huge vegetable garden and strawberry patch and the endless hours of joy that garden brought me. I remember we would…