How To Promote Your Business – 11 Proven Strategies

Having the best product out there is great, but it’s not enough. What good is having the best product if no one out there knows just how good it is. This is why you need to learn how to properly promote your business. Here are ten proven strategies that you can start with as soon as today.


Print advertising

In an era of digital promotion, the benefits of traditional print advertising are often overlooked. However, it still holds a lot of potential for promoting your business. For example, you can use flyers and brochures in strategic locations to reach out to a local audience. Additionally, you can also invest in targeted print ads in relevant magazines and newspapers that cater to your target demographic. Plus, as seen at, using the right printing services can help you achieve this without breaking the bank. Not only will your ad be visually appealing, but it will also make a lasting impression in the minds of your potential customers. Don’t underestimate the power of print advertising, especially for local businesses.

Paid marketing

One of the biggest myths in the digital world is the idea that you can get an outstanding marketing campaign for free. How? Well, just posting and promoting your business on free blogs and social media profiles. First of all, organic social media shares don’t have that reach. Free blogs are usually non-responsive and of poor design. Like in any other kind of business venture, you need to invest in order to get a decent ROI. So, “Pay for your marketing,” is probably the first piece of advice that you need to hear.


Social media marketing

Social media marketing is also incredibly popular and cost-effective. First of all, you need to see the landscape of social media as the playground where you can interact with your audience in a completely organic environment. Everyone gets so fixated on posting sponsored posts and extending their reach, that they completely forget about humanizing their business by becoming regular internet users. Try posting other people’s content. Promote another cause. Comment on posts left by your partners, competitors and customers. This way, you’re branding your business the right way.


Email marketing

One of the most important things you need to understand is the fact that email marketing is not dead. First of all, you need to understand that email marketing has a staggering ROI of 4,400 percent. This means that for every single dollar that you invest in email marketing, stands to make you $44. Sure, this doesn’t mean that you can pour all your money into email marketing and expect your job to be done. It just means that you shouldn’t write off this marketing format just yet.



Increasing the visibility of your business is crucial to the impression that your audience gets. About 33 percent of all Google searches end on the No.1 result. In other words, the position that you have in the SEO ranking system is pivotal to your traffic. Not only that, but people also see the first several results as the most credible. In other words, this helps you get taken seriously by your target audience. It helps you stay competitive.



The choice of content formats is quite important for several reasons. Infographics are a perfect mixture of all you need from a promotion technique. First, they’re informative and allow easy browsing. The majority of people prefer to skim through massive slobs of the text, so why not make this even easier for them. Second, they’re visually interesting, which makes people linger longer. Finally, they can easily be printed out as brochures, which erases the barrier between digital and old-school marketing.


Guerilla marketing

One method you can use is creating an interesting, branded street art. The benefits of this are quite numerous. First, it attracts attention, which is the core principle of any self-promotion method. Second, it can put you in a spot where you attract a lot of social media following. People are likely to tag your business and post street art on their social media profiles. This way, your reach grows organically, and every person you impress becomes a brand ambassador.


Focus on reviews

The truth is that people don’t want to hear it from the professional marketer and whenever it’s clear that this is where the information is coming from, they’re unlikely to listen. What they want is the word of someone who is just like them. They want the word of an average customer. In other words, they will be the easiest to convince through ROI, or it’s digital equivalent – user review. So, use all the skills you have to get some user reviews.


Appeal to their visual senses

The next thing you need to keep in mind is the fact that humans are visual beings. As much as 90 percent of all the information we receive comes from visual senses. So, you have to go for two things, images and videos. Keep in mind, nevertheless, that you can’t just go around taking photos on your smartphone and expect things to work out. Instead, look for corporate photography in Australia experts for advice. A similar thing applies to video production.


Hand out some free samples

The next thing you should do is hand out some free samples. If you’re 100 percent convinced that your work is outstanding and that your product is of the optimal quality, why not hand out some free samples? This way, you will gain loyal followers and reviews. Contests and giveaways are another fantastic way of gaining some more attention. You can even use a particular holiday to give your giveaway an additional meaning. Depending on your industry, it could be Father’s Day or anything else.


Fight for the plights of the local community

Taking up a cause is the best way to humanize your enterprise and prove that you’re not just another corporate money-grabbing entity. By showing that you do not value profit above all else, you will create a positive brand image. Also, keep in mind that while your business is small, the local customer base is your bread and butter. So, dedicating all your efforts to winning them over is a sound strategy.

In the end, you need to understand that a lot of promotion methods depend on your industry. For instance, a construction company can hang mesh banners around the site while a company with the delivery fleet can get logos on their vehicles. The list goes on and on.


Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!