Health Watch: What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy

In the healthcare industry, innovations and tech advancements are reshaping how medical facilities treat medical conditions. One such area that has garnered huge attention since its inception is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Because it can reverse the effects of hormonal imbalances, it’s attracting more interest among medical professionals, researchers, and patients alike. This article goes into depth about what hormone replacement therapy is all about.


Understanding Hormone Replacement Therapy

This innovative treatment aims to restore the balance of hormones to alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalances, particularly those related to reproduction. It includes progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. A specialist will first do a thorough evaluation of your hormonal levels to determine the best way to tailor the HRT therapy to meet your specific needs. This contributes to the treatment’s efficiency. Based on the findings, they may recommend delivery methods such as;


  • Gels
  • Creams
  • Pellets
  • Oral tablets 
  • Patches


After the hormone administration and guidance on the dosage to work with, it will be recommended to continue for follow-up visits. This will allow the expert to check how you respond to the treatment and how your hormonal levels change. You’ll also have a chance to share any concerns and seek clarification.


Who Qualifies 

Menopausal Women

Menopause, the tell-tale sign of a woman’s end of the reproductive years, often happens around 50 years, during which the body will undergo various changes due to fluctuating hormonal levels. The transition period is between 45 and 55 years, during which the effects will dominate. It comes in as a solution for the symptoms like vaginal dryness, night sweats, and hot flashes. As a candidate for the treatment, you must thoroughly assess your medical history, current health status, and possible risk factors. The specialists may find you not suited for it when having underlying issues like breast cancer, a history of blood clots, or cardiovascular diseases.


Andropausal Men

The “male menopause” andropause often happens between the forties and fifties. When men reach 30, the testosterone hormone starts declining at 1% yearly. Symptoms like fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive characterize this natural part of aging. You become an automatic candidate for the TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) when your testosterone levels are clinically diagnosed and found to be low. The medics will test your overall health while focusing more on your prostate gland health. In case cancerous cells are detected, you may need to get treatment for cancer first before considering hormone therapy.


When Having Gender-Affirming Needs

For transgender individuals, it comes in as a gender-affirming procedure. It aims to help anyone planning to align their physical attributes with gender identity. For instance, a transgender woman who was assigned male at birth may be put under estrogen therapy. This may help feminize secondary sexual characteristics like breast enlargement. As a candidate for gender-affirming, a medic knowledgeable about transgender care will do thorough assessments of your mental health. This helps to know your mindset and whether you’re going through any hardships, from which they can channel you to the best psychiatrists even as you proceed with the treatment. This helps you find the transition smooth while making you confident with your decision.


Benefits of the Therapy

Cardiovascular Protection

Estrogen plays a significant role in cardiovascular health through better regulation of cholesterol levels, reduced inflammation, and promotion of blood vessel dilation. This puts women approaching the menopausal period at higher risks of cardiovascular diseases compared to those in the premenopausal stage. Estrogen becomes a powerful tool in mitigating cardiovascular disease, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle.


Improvement in Cognitive Function

One main effect of hormonal imbalance is cognitive function decline, which is common in the menopause and andropause phases of life. These symptoms of concentration issues, mental fog, and forgetfulness will start subsiding when you’re under the therapy. This means during and after the therapy, you’ll enjoy better mental strength and function. It also lowers the risks of developing conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Such improvements will help you enjoy more vitality and quality of life.


Management of Mood Disorders

When stressful moments arise, it is normal to feel concerned and end up with more anxiety and worry, and usually, this will subside with the correct stress management tactics. It’s different when experiencing hormonal fluctuations, where it becomes hard to stabilize the mood.

Hormone replacement therapy has a mood-stabilization effect, which helps you experience reduced emotional instability and irritability. This will translate to better sleep, sound decision-making, and cultivating relationships, all of which matter in your overall well-being.


Enhancement of Sexual Function

Sexual dysfunction takes many shapes, from decreased sex drive vaginal dryness and erectile dysfunction in men. Reproductive hormones, estrogen, and testosterone have a significant role in the sexual life, meaning any decline interferes with the intimate life significantly. Hormone replacement therapy is effective in reversing these signs and the impact may be as soon as within days. To some, it may take two weeks or longer to enjoy the full benefits. It all depends on your body’s response to the treatment, which is normal.


Prevention of Osteoporosis

With aging, calcium levels in the bones gradually decline, weakening the skeletal system. The therapy boosts bone density, thereby reducing the risks of developing osteoporosis. This gives you confidence as you engage in physical activities without fears of bone fractures.


Significance of Lifestyle Changes


After undergoing the therapy, you stand a chance of maximizing the benefits through attaining a healthy lifestyle. As it helps bring the hormones to the optimum level, you want to maintain the balance by sticking to the proper habits, such as eating balanced diets and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

You may also need to maintain a healthy weight, and this is where you prioritize workouts. Come up with a specific, consistent exercise routine. As you work out, the brain releases endorphins, which are known as mood boosters. Also, value sleep to help the body rejuvenate and restore normal hormonal levels. Remain consistent for long-term benefits and, if possible, be guided by a bedtime routine. 


It can be tough dealing with hormonal fluctuations, particularly during old age. It is a good thing there is a solution in hormonal replacement therapy where a specialist can help restore them to optimal levels. Much goes into the treatment, starting with evaluating whether you’re a suitable candidate and the necessary tailoring for the best results.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!