Category: Lifestyle

The Most Popular Side Hustles in 2021

The so-called “gig economy” boomed through 2021, with one-in-seven adults operating within this space on a monthly basis. Interestingly, it appears as though the gig economy is increasingly likely to comprise full-time workers in search of a viable side hustle,…

How can LED lights reduce our impact on the environment?

In recent years, environmental consciousness is a subject most of us are talking about. Beyond that, we have even taken some actions to reduce our impact on the planet. Of course, it is not enough, but there is one thing…

Holiday Shopping eCommerce Stats and Trends

A new gift-giving season has arrived, and with it, a new seasonal shopper. People worldwide discovered new ways to find and buy gifts for loved ones in 2020, and they welcomed internet commerce as a way to keep the magical…

Business Skills That Will Help You Get That Promotion

According to a study done by ADP Research Institute, “On average, employers will promote 8.9 percent of their employees annually, and those employees will receive an average wage increase of 17.4 percent.” If these numbers look small, they are. Which…

building a budget

The Basics of Building a Personal Budget

Many may wonder about the advantage of building a personal budget, but as someone who’s learned from his past mistakes, taking the time to make a personal budget is crucial to financial success. You see, a budget is a plan…

Eco-Friendly Living For Divided Households

51% of people say they’ve become more eco-friendly in their day-to-day lives, according to OnePoll. Eco-friendly living can cut your household costs and make your home a healthier place. But, 52% of people say they have disagreements with the people they live with…

take a break

Feeling stressed? Maybe it’s time to take a break

Many, like me, have found themselves exclusively working at home the last two years, and while that comes with all sorts of perks, it also means that you have the ability, for better or worse, to work from the time…


The Art of Running a Coffee Shop

Millions of coffee cups are poured every day all over the world, from tropical destinations to frozen tundras. To supply all of these coffee drinkers with their daily dose of java, coffee shops are working full steam ahead every day….