Category: TheMaleAddict

TESTED: STMNT Grooming Goods

I’ve tested many products over the last decade, much of that skincare and grooming. The good, the bad, and the in-between have rolled through our offices, and I have to admit, much of it never saw the light of day….

Get ready for a comfy summer with Mott & Bow

Summer is one of my favourite times of the year. Warm morning walks with my dog Manny, sunny afternoons in the backyard with friends, beach days, holidays, really, at this point in my life, I’ve realized summer is the season…

The Perfect Backpacks for Spring

I have to admit, I’ve spent way too much time on TrendHim over the last few months, but is online window shopping a bad thing? I say no way! So let’s do some. Recently when I loved it came to…

Tech cleaning made easy with PurePort and AirSquares

It’s that time of year. The sun is shining, the air is still crisp, but there’s that knowing feeling that spring is on its way. While I’m ready for winter to be over, after a big move, I’m prepared for…

The Perfect Sweaters for Spring

Growing up, I never really cared for spring. I was always more focused on summer and fall, but I’ve warmed up to spring in recent years, literally and figuratively. While I love the change in season blooming flowers, spring in…

shoe care

4 Shoe Care Tips for Longer Lasting Shoes

Everyone has two sections of their closet: fast fashion pieces and investment pieces. Investment pieces are those special, timeless pieces that you are going to wear again and again for years to come, and they’re of good quality so that…

6 Reasons To Skip The Gym & Workout At Home

Are you split between the gym and working out at home? Well, you are not the first one to tread this path and will not be the last. The debate on whether the gym or the house is the best…