Tag: icebreaker

Staying Warm in Winter: A Complete Guide to Beating the Chill

Winter is a season of transformation, with crisp air and frosted landscapes, but staying warm can often feel like a challenge. Layering the right way and investing in high-quality gear can make all the difference between shivering through the cold…

Cold Weather Clothing Must-Haves

I’ve spent my entire life living in cold weather climates, namely Canada, and while I didn’t think much in my early twenties about bundling up, now that I’m in my forties and have a dog to walk through the cold…

The Best Products of 2023

Each year, we test a lot of products, and over the years, we have collectively tested thousands of products. While a lot are truly great since we do our research first, some far surpass our expectations and land themselves on…

TESTED: Icebreaker Base Layers

I recently had the pleasure of partaking in a fantastic adventure through Switzerland and Norway through December. While it was indeed an extraordinary experience and unforgettable vacation, it was sometimes freezing, if not frigid. As a good Canadian boy, I’ve…

Stay Warm this Winter with Icebreaker

It probably comes as no surprise that living in Canada (in the winter) can be rather cold, which goes for most of the country. While some parts are significantly colder than others, winter in Canada is the time to bundle…