Repairing Your Roof After a Storm: Everything You Need to Do

Your roof is your home’s first line of defence against the elements, and after a tempest has raged through your neighbourhood, it could be left with scars that need urgent attention. The integrity of your roof isn’t something to take lightly; neglecting storm damage can lead to more severe issues, such as water intrusion and structural deterioration. This comprehensive guide aims to walk you through the steps necessary to repair your roof after a storm and ensure your sanctuary remains safe and sound.


Assessing the Damage

Once the storm has passed and it’s safe to go outside, it’s crucial to assess your roof for any signs of damage. Look for missing shingles, metal pieces displaced from around your chimney, or any noticeable debris that indicates damage to the structure. If you feel comfortable and it’s safe to do so, inspect your attic for leaks or water stains.


DIY vs Professional Inspection

While minor issues might be detectable by the average homeowner, being thorough requires expertise. It’s often beneficial to hire a professional inspector or need to hire a roofer who can identify less obvious damage and provide an accurate assessment. Also, climbing onto a roof in precarious conditions could lead to further accidents and should be avoided if possible.


Temporary Fixes

In some cases, immediate action might be necessary to prevent further damage. This can include placing a tarp over the affected area or using waterproof sealants. These measures are not permanent solutions, but they can help minimize the risk of further issues developing while you plan for repairs. Not to mention, these temporary fixes can also protect your home and belongings from water damage in the meantime.


Insurance Claims

Contacting your insurance company as soon as possible is essential to get the repair process started. Most homeowner’s insurance policies cover storm damage, but it’s crucial to thoroughly review your policy and understand what is covered. Be sure to document all damages with photos and written descriptions to provide evidence for your claim. You may also want to get a few quotes from reputable contractors to help determine the extent and cost of repairs.


Hiring a Roofing Contractor

Choosing the right contractor is perhaps the most crucial step in the post-storm recovery process. Look for licensed, bonded, and insured professionals with strong local references. Estimates should be detailed and all costs transparent. And, whether you need to find roofing professionals in Silverdale, or any other city for that matter, just look for some online. That way, you can read reviews and compare prices.


Roof Repair Process

The specific steps for repair will depend on the extent of the damage. Typically, a contractor will remove the damaged materials, assess the underlying structure, and replace them with new, sturdy shingles or tiles. They should also address any damage to gutters, eaves, or flashing. As the roof is being repaired, it’s essential to address any underlying issues that may have contributed to the damage, such as ventilation or drainage problems. Additionally, waterproof sealant should be applied where necessary to ensure long-term protection.


Common Roofing Issues

After a storm, common issues include leaks, missing shingles, and structural damage. Leaks can be particularly insidious, as water can seep into unseen parts of your home, causing mould and rot. Shingle damage can lead to more extensive exposure of underlayers and potentially cause leaks or weakening of the roof structure. This is why it’s essential to address these issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage.


Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount in roof repairs. For those partial to DIY, never work on the roof alone, always wear a harness, and ensure the ladder is secure. Most importantly, if there’s any doubt about what you’re doing, it’s better to call a professional. Especially after a storm, the roof may be unstable and present additional hazards.


Preventative Measures

Preventative maintenance can save you a lot of hassle in the long run. Regular inspections and timely repairs can preserve your roof’s integrity and help weatherproof it against future storms. From trimming overhanging branches to cleaning gutters and checking for missing shingles, staying proactive can save you from costly repairs down the line. And, in case of another storm, be sure to secure loose items around your home that could cause damage if blown away.



To sum it up, dealing with the aftermath of a storm can be stressful, but taking timely, appropriate actions can mitigate further damage to your roof. Remember always to prioritize safety and lean on professional help where needed. Maintenance might seem tedious, but it is essential to ensure that when the next storm hits, your roof, and by extension, your home, will be ready to stand firm. So, stay vigilant, and happy roofing!



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!