8 Tips on Selecting the Right Recruiting Agency

Looking for a way to optimise the work of an organisation? The solution may be to contact a recruiting agency. It will help you find qualified employees for a particular position you need. It’s not a secret for anyone that there is a big competition in the labour market. Any company that respects its clients, gives its best to find the best agency. Yet, it is not easy to find a recruiting agency that will fast and most importantly, with good quality do its job. You will learn how to analyse the market of recruiting companies by yourself. You will be able to distinguish between professionals and amateurs. 

The main criteria for choosing a recruiting agency:


1. Professional experience

The most crucial argument in favour of any recruiting agency is its success. Add achievements in professional activity. Do not rely only on data posted on the official website. There are many online and offline resources that you may use. They will provide you with reliable information. Find real feedback on the experience of cooperation with the agency.


2. Recommendations from friends and colleagues

It is difficult to disagree that already proven organisations are most trusted. Especially if you know in person their former clients. Ask people you know about their hiring experience. You can also ask those who are knowledgeable in the recruiting field. What results did they achieve? Would they recommend you to contact this particular agency? Please note that this is the easiest way to find proven specialists. Especially for urgent personnel search! Sometimes, a conversation with a former client is enough to get reliable information!


3. Business directions/segments

Find out for which segments the company is searching for personnel. Correspondence between its direction and your work helps to guarantee a positive outcome of cooperation. The selection of exactly those specialists that you and your business need. For instance, good quality medical recruitment is not a joke. You’ll need a trustworthy recruiting agency that already has experience in this segment. Understanding the specifics of a particular segment is very important. It allows a recruiting specialist to evaluate candidates according to parameters.


4. Existing customer base

The list of clients of a recruiting agency is valuable information. With its help, you can build a picture of the professional achievements of the agency. Pay attention to large customers. Experience with them is undoubtedly a significant advantage. Judge for yourself. If business giants entrusted the search for personnel to this company, the choice was most likely not by chance!


5. Current specialists of the company

An important criterion for choosing a recruiting agency is the human factor. Those people who directly influence the outcome of your interaction. Their openness to partnerships. The experience of previous projects. Knowledge and skills in the field of personnel search and selection. The criteria for choosing an agency can also be work experience of employees. Their specialisation. The presence of an extensive database of applicants, geographical representation, and more.


6. Terms of cooperation

Always study the proposed terms of cooperation in detail: first of all, they should suit you! The rule “The client is always right” is unshakeable and his interests must be the most important.


7. Cost of services

Never go after a low price! A company that respects its work will never set the price for the services below the market average. If it is too attractive and seemingly beneficial – trust us this is no coincidence. Most likely the catch will be the lack of guarantees for the range of services provided. Low qualifications of employees and poor quality of performed work. The saying “No risks no reward” is completely out of place here. When it comes to money – there can be no question of risk.


8. Warranty

Before signing an agreement study the section on guarantees for the performed work. Objectively assess whether the organisation is ready to take responsibility for its actions. Will all responsibility fall on your shoulders in case of an unfavourable outcome? Do not be afraid to discuss this issue in detail. If the organisation is not afraid to be responsible for its work, the service that they provide will be of high quality.


As you can see, the process of choosing a recruiting agency is a rather complicated process. But, it’s not impossible. Following the rules presented above, you can realistically assess the prospects for cooperation. You will protect yourself from unjustified risks, monetary and temporary losses.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!