Category: Music

New Music Friday – Almost Time To Stop Saying Happy New Year Edition

Happy Friday! Or, just Friday, if that’s your speed today. I get it. Here we are, halfway done the first month of 2021. A year full of SO much promise, despite the dark fates trying to derail the Hope Train….

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY – Black Friday Edition

Happy(?) Black Friday! It’s the start of a busy retail weekend. I guess if you’re buying gifts for those you love and yourself, why not get a deal? Well, please make sure you spend a little extra internet sweat trying…

New Music Friday – Halloween 2020 Edition

What could possibly be scarier than Halloween of this dumpster full of medical waste on fire year a few days before America decides whether or not to continue aiming the steering wheel towards the edge of the existential cliff like…

New Music Friday – The Last Warm Day of 2020 Edition

Nice and warm here in Toronto. Hope the same for you, wherever you’re reading this. Unless you’re reading from Antarctica. Then stay frosty. This week is a mish-mash, which is always my goal with NMF posts. There are major label…

New Music Friday – Mid-October Edition

Yeah, I didn’t think of a theme this week. Sue me. But I did curate a four-fingered hand of great artists for you. FOR FREE. Speaking of which, buy music, if you can. Or maybe buy a band’s t-shirt. Or…

Evolution and expression: an interview with Brandy

Recently I got the chance to sit down with Brandy. Yes, this Brandy: After an 8 years, this summer Brandy gave fans the gift of her latest, and long awaited studio album.  b7 showcases both her unmistakable talent that cemented…

New Music Friday – Thanksgiving Edition

Wow, where does 32 weeks go? Did anything happen since then? Was any new music released? Today is called the Thanksgiving Edition because I’m thankful to be back writing these pieces up. It’s been a long time and while we’re…

Eddie Van Halen – 1955-2020

Sigh. I guess every generation hits a period where their heroes start to leave this mortal coil. The last five years or so have not been kind to mine. Sadly, to undisputed guitar god Eddie Van Halen, we said goodbye…

Sam Roberts Band Live at the OLG Play Stage

  With the stage set and Toronto’s twinkling cityscape filling the night sky, the grounds at the OLG Play Stage filled up on Sept. 30 to watch Montreal’s Sam Roberts Band put on a show that had everyone honking their…