Category: fitness


Being a Better Athlete 101: Best Fitness Tips for 2021

You have finally managed to get your fitness agenda in place? Congrats, you are already ahead of many folks out there! Still, as with all aspects of life, there is always room for improvement as regards diet and fitness. In…

full Body Workout

4 Great Full Body Workout Techniques

Incorporating techniques into your full-body workout that combines fat-burning cardio with building strength and muscle across your whole body is a great way to stay fit while making your workouts more effective. Full-body exercises engage a variety of muscle groups…


Lifestyle Adjustments to Maximize Your Workout Recovery

Working out is a way of life for millions of people across the country. Whether you get in a good cardio routine a few times a week or you go for intense training sessions at the gym, no matter your…

Why Do Elite Athletes Take Creatine Supplements?

Elite athletes may have more natural talent than the average person, but their innate attributes are really just half the story in terms of how they can achieve the physical feats that they do. The rest comes down to a…

Is 5×5 Training Right for You?

The 5×5 Strong Lift program is one of the most popular strength programs you can find on the web, but can this training method help you reach your goals? By searching for a fitness program, you’re already halfway there because…

TESTED: Reviewing the FitTrack Health Pack

2021 is a year that started unlike any other in recent history. Following our solitary New Year’s Eves spent at home, locked away for safety, we didn’t get to toast our hopes and dreams for the coming year in the…

A Beginner’s Guide to Working Out in 7 Steps

It’s the standard way of marking the New Year or significant life events. People believe they need to make drastic changes: for many, it’s starting a new health routine. Whether it’s jogging, CrossFit, or weight training, something about these times…

5 Ways to Get Moving When You Feel Like a Couch Potato

How many times have you found yourself lazing on the couch only to feel like you really should get up and move, and get some physical activity in? Just because your brain is telling you that you need to get…