Author Archives: Jessica Alexander

About Jessica Alexander

I've always loved to write, but I'd never want to be famous. So, I write as Jessica A. over here at ADDICTED. You can think of my like Carmen Sandiego, you trust me, but where in the world am I?

Steps to Launching a Successful Café

Launching a successful café requires more than just brewing a great cup of coffee. It demands meticulous planning, a keen understanding of your target audience, and a passion for creating a unique experience. If you’re considering venturing into the world…

These 6 Upgrades Will Turn Your Bedroom into a Sleep Oasis

Imagine walking into your bedroom and feeling an immediate sense of peace and tranquility. Your bedroom isn’t just a place where you lay your head at night; it’s your sanctuary, a haven for restorative sleep and relaxation. Creating this oasis…

Facelift Surgery vs. Dermal Fillers

Aging gracefully is a concept embraced by many. Still, for others, the mirror’s reflection can become a source of frustration, reflecting a disparity between the energetic self within and the aging complexion staring back at you.  With each crease, wrinkle,…

What Should You Do if You Got into an Accident During Your Holiday?

As the holidays approach, everyone has some vacation plans. But sometimes accidents can happen and throw a wrench into an otherwise relaxing and fun holiday getaway. If you or your family recently experienced a motor vehicle accident during the holiday…

Paving the Way to Looking Ageless: 6 Secrets Revealed

In the quest for eternal youth, people often find themselves floundering in a sea of skincare products and lifestyle choices, wondering what truly works. Agelessness isn’t about halting the march of time but embracing it with grace and vigour. The…

Why Custom Pins Are Versatile Tools for Many Uses

In today’s world, customization has become a key component of self-expression and personal branding. People constantly seek unique ways to convey their identity, affiliations, or messages. Custom pins have emerged as a versatile and creative tool for various purposes. Whether…

How to Handle Wage Garnishment: A Step-by-Step Guide

Wage garnishment can be a stressful and challenging situation to navigate. It occurs when a creditor obtains a court order to deduct a portion of your earnings to satisfy a debt. However, there are steps you can take to mitigate…

What is THC, and What Are its Benefits?

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of the chief components in the Cannabis plants, responsible for producing the high everybody associates with Cannabis. THC’s psychoactive effects have made Cannabis one of the most popular drugs in the world. However, THC has many…