Category: Finance

5 Effective Budgeting Tips For Beginners

No matter what your age, you may not have a firm hold on your finances – and that’s perfectly normal. But in order to live the life that you want, it’s advisable that you discover how to budget effectively. To…

Improving Your Credit Card Behaviour

As the cost of living continues to rise, many people are being conscious of their spending. From setting a strict budget to installing apps to monitor spending, requesting a credit card report or even just paying our bills on time, we’re…

How To Create Your Own NFTs for Fun and Profit

Though NFTs have technically been around since 2017, they only recently started gaining popularity in early 2021 when an artist named Beeple sold an NFT of his work for $69 million. Though most NFTs do not typically sell for that…

Managing Multiple Accounts on Trading Platforms

When it comes to Forex trading, you can not but consider trading platforms. Trading platforms make it possible for traders to initiate buy and sell orders, monitor price movement from charts, automate orders using stop loss and take profit, and…

Financial Planning and Why it’s Important

Finances are a hot-button issue for many across the UK at the moment, as a rising cost of living meets concerns of a recession hiding just around the corner. Many households are re-evaluating their spending habits to limit the effect…

6 Ways to Make Money From the Things You no Longer Use

Do you have a bunch of stuff lying around your house that you don’t use anymore? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, the average American home has 300,000 items in it! And chances are, many of those things are…

7 Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Rule number one when travelling is to try and save as much money as possible because the last thing you want is to find yourself with empty pockets in a foreign country. So many people know this fact, but the…