Want to Maximize Your Garage Space? Here’s How

You might think that all garages look the same, but there are many different ways to maximize this space and make it more functional. Whether you’re looking for storage options or want to get your car to be more accessible, below are some pointers on how you can create a garage that does what you need it to do.

Photo by Mike


Make use of the ceiling

One of the primary things you can do to maximize your garage space is to use its ceiling. In this case, simple overhead garage storage ideas will prove handy. All you need is a standard garage with an overhead beam, and you can hang up to 100 pounds of weight. With the help of a few tools, such as screws or hooks, you can easily mount these units across your ceiling beams. Overhead racks are made from a lightweight material, so it’s easy for them not to put too much stress on your walls, but they also have a very durable construction.


Don’t forget the walls

While you might think that using your garage ceiling is more important, it’s also crucial to use the walls so you can maximize space in a different way. Garage storage cabinets are ideal for this purpose because they typically attach to the wall and work on their own or with other sets of cabinets. Garage storage cabinets also cover a wide range of spaces and purposes. You can use them for storing items such as sports equipment, tools, or even bikes if you don’t have enough open space in your garage. They might be relatively expensive, but they’re worth it because these units are very durable and able to withstand the test of time and usage.

  • Hang shelves 

Apart from storage cabinets, you can also hang shelves on the wall to store things like paint cans, tools, and other supplies. Shelves work exceptionally well if you have a double garage.

These shelves are built to be very durable, and they come with brackets that connect them to the wall, so you don’t have to worry about them falling. Some screw into your wall, or you could choose the type that needs no screws because these units use straps instead, allowing them to stay on securely without any damage.

  • Put up hooks

Take advantage of vertical space by installing hooks on the walls for hanging things such as bikes, jackets, and purses, to name a few. These hooks are easy to install, and they won’t damage your walls because all you need to do is use screws or nails. These units can support up to 40 pounds of weight, so if it’s made from high-quality materials such as stainless steel, then there should be no problems with them falling off the wall.


Install a stand-alone shelving system 

To store items and keep them organized, there is the option for you to install a stand-alone shelving system in your garage. This is a good choice if you want to build something durable and can hold up to 100 pounds of weight, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be used as storage space only. While these units are great for keeping items such as tools and sports equipment, they’re also ideal for displaying things or for use as a workstation. If you have enough space in your garage, this is the way to go because it’s very versatile and allows you to maximize your garage space even more.


Think of the space under your car

You can also make use of the space under your car. This is where many people put their oil drums or other supplies that they need to keep away from kids and pets at all times. Open drums under your vehicle are straightforward to install in most cases, making it simple for you to access your supplies when needed without having to move the car out of the way first.

Like with your ceiling and walls, using undercarriage storage trays also help with organizing clutter in an efficient way that allows you to maximize space at all times. These trays often come with drainage holes, so if there is any leakage or spilling of fluids, they can easily drain out of the garage. 


Clear out your garage of everything that doesn’t belong there

For you to be able to maximize space in your garage, you need to remove everything that doesn’t belong there. Decluttering means getting rid of anything from old items such as broken lawnmowers or chairs without seat cushions to boxes full of clothes or tools that haven’t been used in years and even obsolete car parts. Removing clutter like this will make it easier for you to store things instead of constantly moving them out of the way or around while looking for a place where you can put them.

  • Clean up after yourself 

To maintain the clean and orderly state of your garage, you need to clean up after yourself, especially when you’re done using your tools or setting up for a particular activity. Don’t leave stuff on the floor and expect them not to get in everyone else’s way because eventually, this will lead to arguments between family members. Cleaning up has to be done daily if possible, so it doesn’t turn into a bigger task than what it’s supposed to be.




Familiarize yourself with these different ways to maximize your garage space so you can get more out of it without worrying about where to store everything. Whether you’re looking to organize clutter or want more room for your car, there are options available that will work best for whatever you need in the garage. 


Hanging shelves on walls will give you more room to store things like bikes, jackets, purses, or whatever else needs storing – all while taking up less valuable floor space. And don’t forget about adding an ottoman or coffee table as another way to create some additional living area within the garage that doesn’t have anything stored there yet.

When you’ve finished with the garage cleanup and remodelling, make sure to congratulate yourself on a job well done. 



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!