The Advanced Guide To Better Battery Performance

When life leaves you feeling flat, and all you need is a boost of energy, a bit like charging a worn-out car with a flat battery.

Don’t despair; you can keep on top of life and steer clear of any little pitfalls, by keeping yourself motoring forward, avoiding any bumps in the road and relax.

Photo by George Sultan


Keeping Fully Charged

Invest in a Battery Tender and minimise expensive trips to the garage and eliminate the worry of your car breaking down in the middle of rush hour.

A Battery Tender is easy to use and cuts out all of those issues quickly and effectively. They are designed to maintain the battery’s charge without overcharging it and risking any failures.

The other benefit of a Battery Tender is that it will automatically turn off once the battery is up to full charge.

Here are a few quick tips on how to use a Battery Tender to maintain battery performance.


Top Tips on How To Use Battery Tenders

You can prevent a flat battery by following these tips.


  • Ensure your car is switched off.


  • Remove the Negative black terminal connector from the battery.


  • Remove the Positive red terminal connector from the battery.


  • Attach the Positive red clamp of the Battery Tender to the Positive red terminal connector of the battery.


  • Attach the Negative black clamp of the Battery Tender to the engine block.


  • DO NOT attach the Negative black to wires, hoses and any moving parts of the car’s engine.



  • Check the light on the Battery Tender – if the light is red, it means the Battery Tender is charging. Once the light on the Battery Tender turns green, it has fully charged the car battery.


  • The next step is to remove the Battery Tender by following these steps properly:


  • Unplug the Battery Tender.


  • Remove the Negative black clamp.


  • Remove the Positive red clamp.


  • Reattach the Positive red terminal connector wire and the Negative black terminal connector wire.



Connectivity and Achieving the Perfect Performance

Finding connectivity and working towards achieving perfect performance, whether in life or keeping your car on the road. Can be daunting and leave you wondering what you have done wrong.

You can change this mindset quickly by adopting different strategies and techniques.

For example, take a look at meditation, yoga or mindfulness as a tool to find your inner balance and self-confidence, any of these will help you on the path to achieving a perfect performance in life.

Don’t look at challenges like a mountain that is far too high to climb, just finding the right tools, can quickly help achieve your goals by taking one step at a time. 


Finding that perfect performance can be found with a Battery Tender ensuring your car is maintained well, it eliminates and removes the stress and strain of moving from A to B not knowing if you’ll ever get to your final destination. You can move mountains.


Jessica Alexander

Jessica Alexander

I've always loved to write, but I'd never want to be famous. So, I write as Jessica A. over here at ADDICTED. You can think of my like Carmen Sandiego, you trust me, but where in the world am I?