How Affiliate Marketing Can Boost Sales for your Business

Recent trends show that almost 80% of customers seek professional services online. It is no wonder affiliate marketing has taken off so well, with over five billion dollars spent in 2017 alone. Today, 16% of online orders are as a result of affiliate marketing in one way or the other. However, even with all this success, it’s possible to pay for an affiliate program and get zero results. The difference between brands that benefit from performance-based marketing and those who don’t lie in these strategies.


  1.     Choosing the right affiliates

Performance-based marketing depends on the influence your affiliate has on its audience. It is, therefore, crucial to select a partner who has constant engagement with the audience and who can sway their buying decisions. Apart from having a good following, many views, and site ranking, you must be in the same niche. You cannot use a fashion blog to promote your food company, no matter how popular that blog is.


  1.     Optimize your product page

The job of an affiliate is to put your product out there to be seen by potential customers. However, it is your job as the brand to make sure those people become buying customers. Once the affiliate sends them to your website, make sure it’s optimized to boost conversion. You can do this by ensuring your page loads fast, and it is mobile-friendly, the products are displayed well, the product description is captivating, there are customer reviews, and all the information the customer needs to make a purchase is there. In other words, affiliate marketing only provides bait so you can catch the fish more easily.


  1.     Use coupons and promotions

Everybody is looking to save a coin in this terrible economy. Most people are always on the lookout for deals, coupons, and promotions so they can buy stuff at discounts. You can leverage this power by partnering with coupon websites. Choose to work with the most popular sites and ensure you don’t eat into your margins.


  1.     Niche influencers

The likes of Kylie Jenner started as influencers in the fashion industry and ended up being moguls. Niche influences are all the rage right now because of their mass following by people watching their every move. Influencers have a very close relationship with their followers who hang onto their every word and follow all their advice. You can boost your sales by having a powerful influencer promote your products on their platforms.


  1.     Try multiple sources

Marketing is a numbers game, and the more people see your products, the more conversions you will have. You can try several affiliate marketing streams to get better results and also see which works best. Some of the best sources include product review blogs, YouTube videos, free webinars, and email marketing.


Once you have grown the brand to become a powerhouse, you can develop your affiliate program like Amazon. While affiliate marketing is a sure and affordable way to market your business, you must be patient, strategic, and very active in following up on the results.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!