Tips on How to Increase Your Productivity at work and in life

Learning to be productive at college or in life isn’t rocket science if you’re in a good mindset and in a great place. By making simple changes to your routine and adopting a set of healthy habits, you can get yourself on track. If you are a student seeking ways to boost your productivity or trying to better yourself in the workplace, you are in the right place. Let’s discover a few proven ideas that may work for you.


Wake Up Earlier

Unfortunately, most people seem to be night owls. Some of them are so out of their habit, while others may have to blame their tight schedule. If you also belong to this flock, try to change your habit. You can begin by waking up a little earlier than your routine and then shifting it gradually backward until you can spare at least ninety minutes before you have to leave for work or school. You can be highly productive if you do something at that time, as your mind should be fresh and unconsumed.

So, wake up, have some water, some nourishment, do some stretching, have a shower and give yourself some time to get the day, the week, or maybe even the month organized, and perhaps a task or two done before your work day even starts, that is if you’re day doesn’t already start before the crack of dawn.


Use Your Time Wisely

You might have heard the saying, “time is money!” If you want to make the most of your time, try to use it wisely.

Making a plan ahead of time is the best method to stay on top of all tasks, and keeping daily notes, written or electronic, can help you to work your way through your goals for the day, week, month and year.

I keep an online log of tasks, upcoming projects and reminders, and as I go, I write notes I later add to that online log.


Check Email And Social Media No More Than Twice Per Day

Once you log in to your social media account with no purpose, it is too easy to fall for the temptation of scrolling on and on. This possible addiction could kill your productivity and cause you to lose much of your time in frivolities. Never allow yourself to be a victim of these traps if you wish to be productive, only when you’re looking to be entertained, have a laugh or maybe, be inspired.


Set Deadlines

Set time limits for each of your routine activities. Try not to let yourself exceed those lines without a genuine reason; remember, ‘not willing to do something’ is not a genuine reason. Giving yourself enough practice in complying with your deadlines can fill you with the confidence to do things under pressure. For example, if you have to do your essay paper or work project, having a deadline (before the actual deadline) will prevent you from procrastinating or taking unnecessary breaks if you have a deadline in mind. It will also prevent you from building a counterproductive habit of putting things off “until tomorrow what you can do today.”


Get Enough Sleep

You’d be wrong if you think being a short-sleeper affords you more time for work. To be productive, you need excellent synchronization between your thinking process and senses. When feeling groggy, you’ll be much less effective. So, ensure you’re always focused on getting a full night’s sleep.


We all want to accomplish more. By practising these habits, you can hopefully draw closer to your objectives every day. Admittedly, it is not an overnight process. It’s a matter of starting, practising, and eventually getting things to turn out as you planned and intended. 



Jessica Alexander

Jessica Alexander

I've always loved to write, but I'd never want to be famous. So, I write as Jessica A. over here at ADDICTED. You can think of my like Carmen Sandiego, you trust me, but where in the world am I?
Jessica Alexander

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