Author Archives: Sarah Zaman

About Sarah Zaman

Sarah is a university student studying Global Health, Political Science, and Human Geography. As the in-house advice columnist at ADDICTED, Sarah offers her perspective on a wide range of topics, sharing her budding wisdom while maintaining a light-hearted, humorous tone to her advice. She is addicted to comedy, tarot card, and astronomy. Need advice? Send your queries to for #sarahs2sense!

Sarah’s 2 Sense: Chasing Creativity

We’re back with another edition of Sarah’s 2 Sense with advice columnist Sarah Zaman.  Sarah is a queer, Muslim university student, studying Global Health, Political Science, and Human Geography.  She wanted to share her growing wisdom as a way to…

Sarah’s 2 Sense: Friendship and Favourites

We’re back with another edition of Sarah’s 2 Sense with advice columnist Sarah Zaman.  Sarah is a queer, Muslim university student, studying Global Health, Political Science, and Human Geography.  She wanted to share her growing wisdom as a way to…