5 Ways to Enhance Your Kid’s Learning

Early learning is one of the most important things for parents to focus on. During their early years, kids can be taught useful habits and skills that will serve them all through their lives. To help your kids get a good start in life, here are a few ways you can enhance their learning without being a helicopter parent:


Encourage practice and repetition

Repetition and practice can be a bit boring for the kids, but they are crucial for success in any field. Let’s present it in a simple way by comparing learning and driving down a dirt road. When you first get off the pavement, the road will not even be formed and you’ll have to cut the path through grass and dirt. As you continue using this new road, it will get better and more defined after every drive. With repetition, this new road will become like driving down a highway. The same is with our brains which create new neural connections and strengthen them through practice and repetition. Simply going over the materials that your child learned (“Can you remember what we talked about yesterday?”) can help with learning.


Provide access to activities and information

Kids are blessed with natural curiosity and a desire to know stuff. What you can do is nurture that curiosity by providing your kids with activities and information. By making these things accessible for them whenever they want can enhance interest and boost knowledge. When kids can exercise, read and research more, it will improve their motor skills, their reading and writing skills and their problem-solving skills without having to see learning as a chore, but as a treat.


Choose the right childcare center

It’s crucial for your kid to attend some sort of childcare center. This allows kids to socialize and learn about other kids and gives parents an opportunity to relax and unwind. However, when choosing the institution perfect for your kid, pay attention to both the staff and the building. If you take a look at Mornington early learning centre and its offer, you’ll see gorgeous art spaces, natural materials, custom-built playgrounds and natural, accessible children’s areas. Plus, their educators are knowledgeable about cultural diversity, health, emotional development, art, music, movement and sustainability—everything your kids might require to round up their early education.


Support educators

Your kids’ daycares, learning centres and schools are filled with administrators, teachers and carers. These people spend a lot of time with your kids, focusing on creating a good environment for learning. Currently, many schools are struggling with the workforce, mostly not having enough workers with higher education. In some public schools, incomes for educators are under the poverty level. That’s why you as a parent need to promote higher qualifications and do your best to reward professional development in educators. 

There are many ways parents can spark improvements in the quality and content of child education—by getting involved in internships and volunteering programs, talking to your local government and paying tutors a fair price for their services. It’s also important to vote for politicians who are planning to invest in education and renew schools, playgrounds and daycare establishments.


Prioritize happiness and safety

It’s evident that you want only what’s best for your child, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here reading this text. However, it’s also important to know that learning should never come before your kids’ happiness, health and safety. When you push them too hard, you risk your kids’ motivation and can trigger certain traumas that will actually impair their education. Be supportive but let kids carve out their own path and show their own preferences for learning.


As a parent, you have a responsibility to provide your kids with the best opportunities to grow and develop. With these enhancements to their education, you can do just that—give them the best head-start in life and motivate them to fall in love with learning.




Peter Minkoff
Peter is a lifestyle writer at HighStyleLife magazine, living between Europe and Australia. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
Peter Minkoff