5 Effective Budgeting Tips For Beginners

No matter what your age, you may not have a firm hold on your finances – and that’s perfectly normal. But in order to live the life that you want, it’s advisable that you discover how to budget effectively. To improve your finances in the future, you’ll be in the best position possible – something that many people crave. There’s no better time to take action in uncertain times like the present.

Photo by Alexander Mils


You don’t want to have to look into claiming bankruptcy because of debt. So the sooner you can sit down and readjust your spending, the better. To help guide you in the right direction, here are 5 effective budgeting tips that are ideal for beginners:


1. Set your goals 

This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s key to determining your ideal budget and not overspending. What are your long-term goals? Do you want to open your own business in 5 years’ time? Or perhaps you want to become a homeowner? No matter what the aim, it’s vital that you note this down and use it as a way of spreading out your income.

Giving you something to work towards both now and in the long term will steer you away from overspending and overindulging. Of course, you do need to treat yourself every now and again, but you also need to have these goals at the forefront of your mind for them to be achievable.

Every person’s financial goals are different and unique to them, so by aligning yours with your monthly/annual budget, you’ll feel as organized and prepared as possible.



3. Pay Attention to what you spend 

Another vital step to take when budgeting is to pay attention to what you’re currently spending. Whether you do this by looking through your monthly spending through your bank account or you obtain a credit report, it will give you a clear indication of where you need to cut down.

When you’ve done this, you can lay out a plan of the ‘must-haves’ and ‘wants’. For example, you may be spending more than you should on clothing each month. And although you might promise yourself that you’ll wear everything you buy and throw out the older items, this expense is not particularly necessary – and therefore, it can be cut down so that you’re putting more into savings each month.



4. Treat every month differently

When creating your budget, it’s essential that you treat every month differently. It needs to be flexible as it’s likely that what you’ll spend one month won’t be reflected in the next.

For example, you might find that you have to include things in your budget like having to repair your car, or perhaps Christmas is fast approaching. Regardless of the reason, make sure that you’re prepared for these potential expenses in your budget.

Of course, some expenses are more predictable than others – i.e. occasions. But if you have the savings to cover any unlikely or emergency costs, too, you’ll be financially stable.

While doing this is key, you should also keep it in mind. However, along your budgeting journey, there will be times when you feel stressed. And if this occurs, it’s vital that you sit down, look thoroughly through your finances, and, if need be, seek professional guidance.



5. Say goodbye to credit cards

Ok, so you don’t necessarily have to cut up your credit cards and never use them again – as when used sensibly, they can be very useful. But it’s just meant in the sense that you should stop relying so heavily on them. If you are putting every expense on them, you might find that you get to the end of the month, and the debt is far more than your income can cover.

To budget effectively, therefore, you can start to take out cash and use this instead. Of course, when doing this, you need to make sure that you’re not spending more than you can afford in the long term. But you won’t be tempted to overspend by paying attention to what you’re withdrawing and limiting yourself to a particular amount.



6. Keep track of your financial progress 

As part of budgeting, it’s also worth keeping track of your progress over time. This gives you insight into how effective the techniques that you’re using are and how you can continue to improve. Celebrate where you’ve succeeded and adjust your spending as needed if there are still areas that you need to work on.


So, there you go! Those are 5 effective budgeting tips that all beginners can use. Of course, the route that you take is up to you. But whatever steps you take towards regaining financial stability and refreshing your finances will be very beneficial now and in the future.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!